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Project Overview

Website to Increase Community Awareness and Education of Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training. Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training is a 40-hour evidence based behavioral health training model focused on first responders that brings together law enforcement, mental health providers, hospital staff, and individuals with mental illness, and their families to improve responses to people in crisis.

Website for

Nevada CIT


Nevada CIT





UX Design
UI Design


This project with the CIT presented many challenges: a large, complex site map, a variety of target audiences, conflicting internal needs and requests, and significant goals. Despite these challenges, Ruvato and CIT teams were determined to create a final product that would capture and share CIT Nevada mission perfectly on the web.  We  love this project and were honored to be able to contribute to the Society.

  • Improved officer knowledge and self-efficacy in responding to mental health crisis.

  • Decreased levels of officer use of force through emphasizing de-escalation and linkage to mental health services.

  • Improved community confidence in officer response to mental health calls.

  • Decreased system costs through diverting individuals with mental illness from the criminal justice system and hospital emergency rooms.

  • Improved likelihood of treatment continuity with community-based providers.

User 1-General Public
  • Get Information and resouces about mental health.

  • Filter info  by national, state and local.

  • Search through your county and select nearest facility.

  • 24/7 support

User 2-Police, Firefighter and First Responder
  • Create account.

  • Select training and enroll.

  • Discussion Board.

  • Mental and behavioral resources specifically designed for paramedics, fire fighters and law enforcement. It also includes 40 hours of crisis intervention team training.

  • Coordinator information in your region.

  • Approve login for first responder.

  • Add training in calendar.

  • Manage CIT News.

  • Add materials to learn more.

  • Edit info in the website.

  • Review existing schedule.


Research was already done by and They provided us lots of data but we have to customize for Nevada. Evidence has shown that first responders that take this crisis intervention training have improved mental attitudes and knowledge, and are more likely to follow up additional de-escalation training. This behavioral health training teaches first responders how to identify signs of mental illness and properly deal with their own stress and anxiety, as well as the people they respond to.


DESCRIPTION OF THE TRAINING: The purpose of Crisis Intervention Training is to provide information about behavioral health, de-escalation response, and related topics. CIT training is an internationally identified best practice that was originally developed in 1988 in Memphis, Tennessee through a partnership with law enforcement, National Alliance on Mental Illness, and the University of Memphis. The intent of the 40-hour behavioral health training program is to provide behavioral health knowledge and skills to emergency responders including law enforcement, EMS, medical personnel and other community providers.  The outcomes of CIT include increasing safety for first responders, the general public and the individual experiencing a mental health crisis through skillful intervention, de-escalation, and diversion of these individuals from the criminal justice system. Carson City first developed CIT in 2006, CIT has since been implemented in Douglas, Lyon, and Churchill Counties. 


RISKS AND BENEFITS: There is a risk that participants may experience some psychological discomfort from the discussion of topics such as suicide and behavioral health issues. Research has shown that talking about suicide does not cause people to do self-harm. However, in the event that you become upset and wish support, the trainer will be available and, if you want additional support, can provide you with referral information. A direct benefit of your participation in this training is gaining the knowledge about behavioral health and related issues, and improving skillfulness in responding to situations and crises involving behavioral health. 

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Branding and logo design

I created the perfect graphical content and an awesome logo that reflects the State of Nevada’s CIT program. I used Nevada flag cobalt blue color as the primary color and included "Battle Born" one of the state's mottos. The branding focused on Nevada CIT and families that need a place that can offer help and support.

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Site Map
Wireframes for website and backend

Complex on the back-end, simple on the front-end.

High Fidelity
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© 2024 By Nimisha Asit. 

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